, Russell Brunsonoften talks about finding your 'Blue Ocean'.This concept was from a great book actually called 'Blue Ocean Strategy'. This concept refers to 'the creation by a company of a new, uncontested market space that makes competitors irrelevant and that creates new consumer value often while decreasing costs' OK, so what does this mean to you? It means when everyone zigs, you zag. It means, entering a crowded marketplaceis a hard journey, and an uphill battle youwant to avoid at all costs.Meaning, go where the abundance is at. HOW DOES THIS APPLY TO GETTING CLIENTS?The one thing consultants always talk about are strategies to 'get new customers' for clients. All the services they provide revolve aroundthis concept (FB advertising, *new tech, local advertising, etc). In addition, the concept of generating 'new
customers'is the core objective most businesses have (it's all they know).
Now, there's nothing wrong with this approach if it actually works (drives in new business).
However, it's not the only way to increase sales for local businesses.
Meanwhile, while every consultant is focusing onservices that generate NEW CUSTOMERS as a meansto increase revenue, we've been secretly tucked awayfor the last 4 1/2 years
focusing on the most neglectedarea of business growth that nobody in the consulting nichefocuses on. LIKE WHAT?
We'll it's our secret weapon. It's a Blue Ocean. It accomplishes the core goal of 'business growth', but with a different approach.We call it 'internal
marketing' Yeah, we have turn-key processes and systemswe use to help businesses increase revenueby marketing to their existing customers.Contrary to what you may think on how internalgrowth works, most consultants that attempt itgo about it wrong. There's a special way you have to do internal marketingto truly make waves for business owners. THE RESULT? > More revenue> More clients> Long-term clients (we have clients that's been with us over 5 years! talk
about strong retention)
This market is wide-open!
This concept of business growth applies to just about EVERY NICHE, so you'll never have saturation. It's beautiful! Stay tuned because tomorrowi'd like to share with you the proper wayto do internal marketing the right way,so you can land clients and deliver outstanding results.
I'm writing up the do's & dont's guide for internal marketing. if you'd like me to share it with you, just let me
Talk soon,